June 24, 2010

Laser 2010 North Americans (6/27/10)

by Pam
Be sure to check out the link to the Laser Gulf Coast pictures below. Little ole Seabrook had about 50 extra boats register the day of the event. Lasers were everywhere. Now it's TCYC's turn and there are even more boats.

Sailgroove has now teamed up with laser.org and there are live updates and videos beign posted for the North Americans.


June 21, 2010

Laser Gulf Coast Championship (6/20/10)

by Pam
Standard Results - 39 entrants
Radial Results - 64 entrants
4.7 Results - 19 entrants

What a great event for Seabrook to host in its efforts to rebuild. Several local sailors (and possibly familiar names) went down to complete in the full rig, scoring 7, 14, 22, and 27. In second place, was the young rock star that Doug went down to play with in Corpus a couple of weekends ago. Doug thinks he might have learned his special go fast technique. Maybe, he can teach us. Something about carving downwind (and being in your early 20s doesn't hurt).

On the not such great news front ... keep your ears open: Stolen Laser - Sail #188969

June 06, 2010

Laser District 15 - 4th Circuit (SSC)

by Pam

A couple of Dallas/Fort Worth sailors, Doug and James, headed south to Seabrook Sailing Club for a Laser circuit stop to show their support of their rebuilding efforts. The first picture shows the damage from Hurricane Ike and the other two show the rebuilding efforts as of Sunday. There was a good showing of Lasers with several young rock stars arriving early and using the event to train for the upcoming Gulf Coast and North American Championships being held the last two weeks of June.

Last year Mark Eldred traveled to WRBC to sail in the Wrangle and won it. This year Doug reciprocated by traveling to Houston to sail at Seabrook. There was some very good competition and Doug and James came back with a 3rd and 5th. James got to enjoy what it's like to travel with Doug and pick his brain playing 101 sailing questions. Doug, on the other hand, got schooled by the young guns at the regatta. The cross pollination continues. The next generation of Laser sailors are wicked quick and will certainly up the game.

Note that Seabrook's new club will have an elevator so the old Masters can get up to the clubhouse after sailing.