March 27, 2012

Brisbane Worlds Hat Cam

by Pam
If you aren't a sailing enthusiast, this might be really boring. 

Doug was planning to wear his hat cam for the Worlds.  What really happened was sort of amusing.  He wore it for the first race and was in 4th place until the last leg when he got "chicked."  Chicked is the term my boss tells me they use in triathlons when you get beat by a girl.  Now Doug is all about supporting and encouraging women in sailing but it seems that he suffers from the same affliction as most men I've encountered on the race course.  Women are just fine ... so long as they are behind you.  After the race, he decided the camera was a distraction and he took it off and didn't wear it again.  As a result, the only race he recorded is where Lyndall Patterson passed him on the last leg.  It's actually a really boring video but if anyone wants to know what it's like to sail in the Master Worlds (and get beat by a woman), it will give you a glimpse.  The translation for all four letter words you hear is "weeds".  The camera, a SailPro, does nonstop recording but saves it in 5 minute segments.  I didn't bother to join them so you'll have to click through them until you get bored and give up.

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