April 20, 2012

Wednesday Night Mentoring

All summer, every Wednesday evening around 6ish in Lasers on White Rock Lake, but not on the Laser course.  They're "racing."

Everyone is welcome, no conditions or restrictions.  We'll work on whatever you want to work on.  Pam wants to work on boat handling so that's where we'll start but if there is something else you want to work on, just name it.

We'll also be practicing something that is unsafe on virtually all other lakes - night sailing. It will help you get a better feeling for your boat, such as how to get more lift from your centerboard ... very fast!

Look for sail number 195708.  That's the mentor.  And no matter what that girl sailing 149482 says, don't listen to her.  How she manages to stay upright most of the time is a combination of mystery and miracle. 


  1. That D/P photo needs to go up on "pinterest"as the quintessintial cool cats of Laser sailing!!

  2. Thanks! Just don't tell anyone we we're sailing double-handed on a Sunfish that day. Talk about a tight fit!
