June 17, 2012

2012 Butterfly Single-Handed Nationals

by Pam
Photo by Frank Richards
Last weekend, Doug and I sailed in the Butterfly Nationals.  Doug won overall and I won top woman.  We aren't certain but we think we might have made history as the first husband and wife to win.  It was a fun event.  A full write-up is on the Butterfly blog.

I was sailing an old boat that was my brother's first boat when he was a kid and she has been in my family for over 40 years and Doug was sailing with my boat's original 40+ year old centerboard. So it was a double win for the old girl, aptly named, the Fighting Lady.


  1. Congratulations on the triple win - the two of you and the Fighting Lady.

    And nice dragon T shirt.

  2. Thank you! It does look like a dragon t-shirt doesn't it. It's actually Australian aborigine art of two playspuses.
