September 25, 2012

Brett Beyer Coaching

by Pam
Most people have already seen this but it's still cool to watch.  Here's the caption on the video on YouTube: "Training off Hayling Island, 15-20 kts in big seas!  Big thanks to Brett Beyer for the video!"


  1. Thanks - great video. Why is he seated so far back? To keep the bow out of the waves?

    1. Yep. I'm told that if you bury the bow in that stuff with that kind of speed and power behind you, bad things happen fast.

      If I'm not mistaken the guy in this video was Brett's student that went from 62 to 19 in the ISAF rankings and came 15th at the Olympics.

      I'd consider myself a winner if I could sail like that just once. It looks like a blast.

  2. Judging by the vertical tiller extension I'd guess the guy learnt his stuff in the Optimist :)
