December 08, 2012

Full Rig Option for Great Grand Masters in Oman

A friend has asked us if we know any Great Grand Masters who are planning to attend the Laser Master Worlds in Oman (light air) and would like to add their names to a petition for a full rig option.  Any takers?

Update:  Provisionally approved pending final approval before the end of the year - per World Council Meeting Summary


  1. I am hoping to go there - since I live almost next door. Don't know if I will qualify but hoping my age (will be 67) and perhaps being able to go under UAE banner will do it - at any rate, full rig sounds fine to me.

  2. From the minutes of the recent ILCA World Council...

    "The inclusion of a GGM Standard division at the 2013 Masters’ Worlds was provisionally approved pending final approval before the end of the year."

    Woo hoo! This makes me much more interested in going to Oman next year.
