November 09, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - Before and After

by Pam
I have no words ...


  1. Here in Australia we rode Hurricane Sandy from afar and witnessed the horrific and tragic results her fury. The scale of the wreckage is just horrendous and our hearts go out to all the people affected.

    However, now that she has passed and we count the cost, we realise that all Australians will be affected, and even the cost of insuring a Laser here will increase. This is how insurance works, and it's both ways. A disaster like this affects the whole world.

    Thinking positively, rebuilding after Sandy will generate much needed jobs, and the areas affected will shine once more. Get ready to show us some more "after Sandy" pictures in 5 years time!

    1. Being in Texas, we too rode out the storm from afar. The longer I live the more I realize how connected everything is. The world keeps getting larger but at the same time, smaller. Odd.
