March 11, 2013

Worlds Photo Content

By Doug
The 2006 Laser Worlds were held in South Korea. On the rest day, we were treated to a tour of our Jeju island and we visited several interesting cultural sites. Here's a restored village that shows how they lived 500 years ago:

Here's their millstone - really amazing workmanship:

Here's a traditional kitchen as shown by our tour guide:

And here's a typical entrance to these homes:

So, here's the question for this photo contest: Why are there two doors and why are they a different size?


  1. Replies
    1. No, it's nothing to do with religion.
      I kind of wish it was.

  2. Clearly the wife complained the door was far too small, so a second door was constructed.

    1. Nope. The wife may have complained, but only to herself.

  3. I have no idea but this other tourist attraction on Jeju looks way more interesting. Did you go there?

    1. No, and our commute from the hotel to the beach went by another attraction like this. For some reason, they did not want us near these places... wonder why.

    2. I'm busy at work all day and come home to find that you guys have turned my blog into a porn site with your link. Oh my!

  4. Really big doggie door? Or small door is so heat is not lost from living room in winter? 2 families lived there? People were smaller 500 years ago?

    1. Good guesses, but no, no, no, and no. Our women followers will not be pleased with the reason.

  5. The small door was for the women who had to bow or crawl on their knees to enter the presence of their lords and masters.

    1. Bingo! What you cannot tell from this picture is that besides the kitchen, there was only one room. So, if the man of the house was there, the woman would always bow to him when entering.

  6. If I get one installed, will I be able to use it to remove my furniture through after the divorce?

    1. That explains why none of these houses had any furniture!!

  7. Wow a trip to modern day Minnesota!!

  8. What happened to your "Where I Stand" post? Do you stand in the tall door or the little door? Do you stand outside the door in protest? Inquiring minds demand to know.

    1. I wrote a new post this morning supporting Bruce Kirby but my editor (Pam) told me to kill it.

    2. LOL. I assumed that was what it was really about.

      I think it's probably wise not to take sides publicly on Bruce's lawsuit right now. I have tried in my recent posts on the topic simply to draw readers' attention to information that is publicly available without expressing support for any of the parties in the dispute. This could get messy.
