February 17, 2014

2014 Master Midwinter's

By Doug
Congratulations to Peter Shope who won by beating Scott Ferguson on a tiebreak. Between them, they won 6 of the 8 races sailed. Here's one reason why I could not attend:

If you look closely, you'll see a bunny now lives under my boat. Hopefully, she'll move before Fred's Easter Regatta.


  1. Yikes You bent that bar on your trailer? What happened?

    1. I'd load my Laser from the water and it would sit on the bar until I lifted it onto the gunnel support. Before long, the bar bent to the shape of my Laser and it's been that way ever since. My Kitty Hawk is 23 years old and just keeps chugging along. Great product.

  2. LOL. I thought you meant that the bent bar was the reason you couldn't do the Midwinters Masters.

    You let the bunny stop you?

    1. I wish backyard politics were that simple. Bunny talked to Pam who talked to me. I was out-voted.

    2. Well there is the small matter of a hosed up shoulder and eye. The boat was supposed to be out of commission for a while so when we started getting snow and ice (rare in Texas) I decided to pile up some of the leaves I'd raked and make a little retreat for the bunny who was pregnant and getting ready to have babies. Doug gets all choked up at the Olympic stories. He didn't stand a chance against tiny little baby bunnies.

  3. Is the bunny free range and grass fed? :)

    1. We're a little nuts and have switched to a totally organic lawn program and actually leave water and carrots out each day for all the bunnies that call our backyard home. First we had to fire our lawn service because they sliced up a baby with the weedeater. Then the local hawk figured out our back porch is a dinner table for him so we keep the lights out in the back. Then the dog figured out we have little ones in nests so we had to close off his dog door and revert back to getting up every time he wants out. Then the local crow figured out we have babies in nests so we had to put out a scare crow and move it often. Then the local cat figured we have little ones so we have to give the dog supervised play time several times a day to discourage and chase away the hawks, crows and cats. There is just no protecting a critter that everything considers food ... and what a cruel joke that when they run away, their little while cottontail paints a target on their backside. Yes, they are free range and grass fed. ;)

  4. I like the psychedelic license plate.

    1. He put up the picture with the numbers showing and I decided that might not be such a good idea. This is Doug's version of encryption. I wonder if anyone can de-crypt it?

  5. Replies
    1. Great ... another predator I have to figure out how to protect against.

    2. The only answer is to open the inspection hatch on Doug's Laser and let them make their new home inside the hull. The advantage of this approach is that Doug could still use the Laser and take the bunny family to regattas with him to keep them safe and sound.

  6. Wow that's some advertising Fred's doing.

    1. Brilliant. It's kind of a real world viral ad. Because bunnies breed like… well, like rabbits.

    2. Well Fred's regatta is THE Laser regatta to attend in Texas. And there is no one quite like Fred. He talks non-stop and is funny as hell and will bend over backwards to get someone out on the water. He is the original Energizer Bunny ... his regatta is older than the Energizer Bunny ... don't know why he never asked them to sponsor his regatta ... it's a perfect match.
