October 16, 2015

Foiling Lasers

By Peter Stephinson, the Foiling Laser Guy
Despite all the hype, foiling is currently the preserve of the elite as foiling boats are currently limited to high-end, custom multihulls or expensive, delicate, difficult to manage dinghies.

There is now one very practical option available today for all sailors to try. A retrofit, clip-on kit for Lasers from Glide Free Design. Compared with all other foiling craft, this is much cheaper and is now readily available. You don't even need to buy a new boat!

We have been quietly developing and releasing this product around the world and believe it has the potential to give all sailors a taste of what only the elite have experienced to date.

This is an amazing product and superb design. I'll be joining Peter before the Laser Worlds in Mexico and will be taking lots more videos with my hat cam... Doug


  1. Kudos to Peter for a neat product.

    What points of sail and speed is necessary to get the Laser to foil?

    1. We find that it is best in marginal conditions to bear away to a broad reach in order to takeoff. You quickly accelerate to 12-15kts boatspeed and will need to sheet in quickly. You can then point up and sail on a beam reach or higher, depending on how hard you want to lean. Peter

      In stronger winds above 12kts, you can take off on a beam reach and the boat will quite easily hit 17kts and over. Hang on for the ride!!

  2. Is anybody racing foiling Lasers yet?

    1. Not yet, but we all know were 2 or more are gathered together, there will be a race?Peter

  3. By the link to the US dealer on the Glide Free Design website is broken.

    1. this is now fixed , thank you.Peter

    2. Thanks Peter. The link on your site for the US dealer now takes me to X Wing Sails. But then when I click on the Foiling link on their site I get another 404 (page not found) error.

      I hope the foils perform better than these websites!
