May 23, 2016

Mexico Laser Master Worlds - Day 1

by Pam
Two races today after a postponement with winds between 9-12 knots in the first race and building to 13-16 knots in the second. The finish line boat started to really rock and roll during the second race. Our driver had the motor running and was driving under anchor during the entire second race finish in order to keep the boat lined up on the line.  

Things in Mexico work a little differently than other world regattas that I've been to. First, they do the same job with less than half the number of people. Second, it's a mostly Spanish speaking operation. Third, they multi-task quite well.

There is one launch ramp and it's one of the smallest I've seen at a regatta and yet, it was also one of the most efficient operations I've seen.    

When the sailors reach the bottom of the ramp looking refreshed and with a smile on their face, you know they really appreciate the organization,

Although my maiden name is Balboa and my great, great grandfather illegally immigrated to the United States and left 11 children behind before being deported, I only have half the work ethic of a Mexican and I don't speak Spanish. So that leaves me on a boat taking videos and looking for things to entertain myself.

I did a quick survey of the top 5 finishers in each fleet. Brett Beyer (AUS) was the definitive first place finisher in the Masters/Apprentice finish and was using an old sail. Mark Bethwaite (AUS) was the definitive first place finisher in the GGM fleet and was using a new sail. In the GM fleet, Al Clarke (CAN) and Nick Page (NZL) each had a first place finish and both have the new sail. A tally of the top five finishers in the first two races, there were 20 new sails and 10 old sails being used. With more data, we might be able to draw some conclusions about which sail does better in which conditions or maybe we'll see that it's the sailor and not the sail that matters.

As I understand it, the race scores are being posted before the sailors even return to shore. There are three people doing scores. One calling, one writing and the other supervising, I think. At the end of each race, they appear to be confirming that they've accounted for the entire fleet, snap a picture and send the scores to shore.  

In the meantime, our driver, not wasting a precious minute of time doing nothing, is busy catching dinner off the back of the boat - multi-taking at its best. He was so efficient, I didn't even know what he was doing until he'd cleaned the fish.

And we're off to day two. Doug is busy writing and will be posting his race journal after the regatta.


  1. Pam - thanks for your great posts. Makes me really regret not being there.

  2. Thanks! You'll have to try to make it next year for sure. Rumor has it, it's Croatia. Doug is having sailing envy today. He and Brett are both using the old sail and they both felt they couldn't point as high as the new sails.
